Parkinson’s In Motion 5K Run / Walk For All
April 13 @ 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Please make plans to join us for our 3rd Annual 5K Run / Walk For All on April 13, 2025!
The Parkinson’s In Motion 5K Run/Walk for All will begin at the London-Laurel Farmer’s Market Pavilion in downtown London, Kentucky. It will be primarily a flat course. All runner’s and walkers of all capabilities are welcome to participate.
Parkinson’s In Motion is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in London, Kentucky aimed at providing support and resources to those impacted by Parkinson’s Disease in Eastern Kentucky & the Appalachian region. Our passion is to reach, inform, and connect individuals touched by Parkinson’s Disease with tools and resources for self-help and improvement to enhance quality of life. We strive to provide a support network for families and advocates.
Register now at https://runsignup.com/Race/KY/London/ParkinsonsInMotion5KRunWalkforAll/